I’m Mel, a registered dietitian and certified health coach from a small town in South Georgia.


My mission is to inspire better, everyday health through nutrition, food, movement and mindfulness.

Tropical Skin Nourishing Smoothie

Transparency Note

I instinctively thought to name this the Beauty Smoothie. Then I thought how hypocritical of me. Food makes you feel better. Food has many health benefits (which I will discuss in this blog). BUT food is NOT your source of beauty.



(Re-read that and say it out loud)

I will be honest, I planned this post to launch around Valentine’s Day. Mostly because that would be good for business. Everyone wants to look beautiful on the day of LOVE. Maybe you want to look your best for your significant other. Or you want to look your best to find a significant other. Maybe you want to look your best to rub it in the EX- significant other’s face (haha). All jokes aside, you should want to look your best for YOURSELF. (But that’s a whole other topic).

Either way, people have beauty on their minds ALL. THE. TIME. Thanks to the science of nutrition we can load our diets with foods to help encourage that GLOW.

This Tropical Skin Smoothie is packed with nutrition essentials that encourage a healthy skin glow.

Your skin, the largest organ on your body, gets the tough job of detoxing all the things (think inflammation, stress, GI issues, lack of rest, dehydration, food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances). All of these are bound to show through our skin over time. Common skin issues include eczema, acne, dryness, dull appearance (No thank you!)

Thanks to the science of nutrition we can load our diets with foods like this Tropical Skin Smoothie is packed with nutrition essentialsto help encourage that GLOW.
Tropical Skin Smoothie

To keep our skin healthy and glowing, we must give it the energy and calories it needs to do its job. These include vitamins, minerals, zinc, protein, healthy fats.

When we nourish the inside of our bodies it shows on the outside.

Nourishing our bodies from the inside will always show on the outside. Therefore the most important thing you can do to get healthy skin now is to start supporting your health on a cellular level. So how can this smoothie help do that?

All the Healthy Fats

Coconut and Chia seeds contain healthy fats. A diet with adequate intakes can help promote healthy hormone production (1). Healthy hormones are linked to healthy hair, skin and nails.

Packed with essential Nutrients + Vitamins + Minerals

Like I mentioned before, when we eat nourishing food we provide our cells with the nourishment they need to work hard for us. Our skin’s makeup consists of lots of cells (Remember, largest organ). Better cell health = better skin health.  For example, spinach, strawberries pineapple, and lemons are high in Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for skin health and plays a critical role in collagen synthesis, skin integrity and fighting free radical damage. Research suggest that oral intake of vitamin C may help prevent UV-induced damage and photoprotection(3). Simply put,  its benefits on the inside may be similar to wearing sunscreen on the outside (go away wrinkles and sun damage!)

Give me all the dark leafy greens

When we add dark leafy greens, like spinach, to our smoothies they help our skin reproduce healthy skin cells and keep our skin moisturized. Dark leafy greens also contain iron, which supports healthy blood flow and oxygenation to our skin cells.

Carrots, pineapple and spinach are high in Vitamin A. Vitamin A has many benefits but relieving inflammation and keeping skin glowing are among my favorites.  

Blueberries, are high in skin fighting antioxidants. Antioxidants fight the harmful free radicals that cause cell damage. By protecting our skin cells we can ideally minimize skin damage (think dry, dull, wrinkled).  

Tropical Skin Smoothie

Give your tropical smoothie that extra boost

If it suits you, try adding the following. Why you ask?

Sprinulla, a blue-green algae that is high in protein, iron, chlorophyll,  and other vitamins, and minerals makes the perfect glowing addition.

Maca root, a root vegetable (from the broccoli family) grown in Peru, has been used for centuries by the South American cultures as a great source of minerals and antioxidants. Research suggest this root may help with hormonal balance and a positive mood.

Collagen is all the rage. But I’ll be honest; the evidence is “limited.” For me personally, I don’t like the taste of protein powders. So you can easily add collagen as a tasteless protein boost. Protein is an important building block for our skin. Our body uses protein for building and repairing tissue.

The skin is a multi-functional organ, and its appearance generally reflects your health and what’s going on inside of you. No amount of product can reverse poor lifestyle choices that have been made over time. If you want to feel (and see) that youthful glow and beauty, it can be enhanced through healthy lifestyle choices like proper nutrition, adequate movement, and mental wellness (think stress management and  healthful habits).

If you want to FEEL beautiful from the inside out (as a result of making healthy choices), working with a professional is always an option. Check out ways you can work with me, one on one, here.

Please leave me a comment! I want to know what you’re thinking. Also if you haven’t already, head over to my Instagram and Facebook and give me a follow for more healthy living tips and nutrition facts.


Tropical Skin Smoothie

  • Author: Melanie Harris


  • 1 cup Coconut Milk
  • 2 handfuls Organic Spinach
  • 1/2 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 cup pineapple (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 cup carrots (fresh)
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 lemon (juiced)


  • 1 tbsp spirulina
  • 1 tsp maca
  • 1 scoop collagen peptides


  1. Add all the ingredients to a high speed blender and blend until smooth. May add ice to chill further. Serve immediately and enjoy chilled!



May add more or less maple syrup to adjust sweetness.



A good high speed blender is key. If you’re using a traditional blender, I recommend adding the liquid and carrot first since the carrot is the hardest to blend, followed by the remaining ingredients.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3824402/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4763493/
  3. https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/health-disease/skin-health/vitamin-C

Our favorite free resources!

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Fall Meal Plan Freebie


Follow Melanie on Instagram @melharrisnutrition