I’m Mel, a registered dietitian and certified health coach from a small town in South Georgia.


My mission is to inspire better, everyday health through nutrition, food, movement and mindfulness.

Melanie Harris

dietitian nutritionist, mama of two


I’m Mel, a registered dietitian and certified health coach from a small town in South Georgia.


My mission is to help you fin the clearest, most grace-filled path to begin WELL. Through science-backed, personalized nutrition plans and relatable accountability, you'll finally find the energy you didn't think you had to give life to the person you truly want to be.




RDN Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

LDN Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist

Certified Health Coach, American Council on Exercise

Graduate Certificate in Dietetics, Iowa State University

Master of Science Biomedical Science, Barry University

Bachelor of Science Nutrition Science, The University of Georgia

Hi and welcome!


I’m Mel, a registered dietitian and certified health coach from a small town in South Georgia.


Mel Harris Nutrition is all about crafting evidence-based nutrition and healthy living through recipes, blogs, online education and one-on-one coaching (virtually and/or face-to-face). To put it another way, it’s my passion to help you navigate nutrition to nourish your body in a real, practical, life-changing way.


I get it — I’m a wife, mother to 2 tiny humans, 2 dogs and the list goes on. Life can be, well, completely crazy (sometimes? often?). My goal is to help you find your groove — that’s right YOUR groove, that works best for your life — so you’re better equipped to take on each crazy day feeling your best, inside and out.


You may already have plenty of friends, but I’m about to become your new best friend. Imagine me walking alongside you in your health journey. Next to you, I will help you build confidence in yourself and the food on your plate. One step at a time, we’ll figure it out together. My approach is the food to plate connection, incorporating whole foods that will make you feel better.


My childhood is full of happy memories in my grandmother’s kitchen, I grew up with a love for cooking. Additionally, my mother has spent her career working as a home economist, so suffice it to say – food has influenced my life. But that doesn’t mean I have always been educated about it. This southern farm girl definitely got a few wake-up calls as I embarked off to college to follow my passion for food down the path of nutrition.


Here’s what I’ve learned — and what I want to share with you!


Food should not be complicated or intimidating (even though it sometimes feels like it is) and we all need the occasional grace period. While you might often find yourself feeling overwhelmed and stressed, possibly even exhausted, about how you can improve your personal and/or family’s meals and overall nutrition. It is my promise to you that we can put the pieces together.


How will we do that? Well, firstly, I’ve been where you are. Those who feel disconnected from the food you’re buying and feeding yourself and your family. To the new mom who’s feeling overwhelmed. To the postpartum mom who just wants to feed her family better. To the busy entrepreneur who feels like there’s never enough time. I feel you.


Over the past decade, I’ve experienced acne, migraines, high stress, digestive issues (just to name a few) and I thought those were normal things. The reality was, my diet was impacting each of these parts of my life.


My goal is to help you learn what makes your body feel better, and provide the education and nutritional insight to get you where you want to be, and help you achieve the tools you need to stay there!


My blog readers will find new topics each month with “myth busters” to help dispel some of the nutritional marketing myths around healthy eating. Having grown up in a farming community, going on to become a registered dietitian, I have learned so much! Now I look forward to sharing my expertise with you so you have all the facts you need to make educated decisions about the foods you put into your body.


As I embarked on my own educational journey, I began exploring the world of nutrition science through academia and self-experiments. As I began to feel better, other day-to-day habits shifted.


Suddenly, my diet was positively impacting stress management, increasing regular exercise and improving my overall self-care. These were all amazing! Then I became a wife and mother and a “balanced life” suddenly looked completely different.


My timeline for becoming a registered dietician took longer than expected, but my passion never waned. What I learned throughout these experiences are things I want to share with you — life shifts, and so must we.


Building the right habits for your nutrition, movement and mindfulness will help you carry a healthier you through all of life’s ups and downs.


I simply had to relearn what my balance is, and what self-care looks like for me.

ready to collaborate?

Work with Mel

Ready to get your life back? Work 1:1 with me, your personal nutrition expert, and together we’ll build a sustainable plan for you to find lasting, healthy results throughout all facets of your life. My mission is to inspire better everyday living through nutrition, food, movement and mindfulness. I can do this for you by creating a clear, personalized strategy to get you where you want to go. By evaluating you as an individual, we’ll figure out what is (and isn’t) working to help you make small changes and find consistency that will bring about positive change. You’ll get meal plans, shopping lists and recipes; symptom analysis + supplement support; action plans with accountability; and the educational resources to support your success. The result? Lasting habits, symptoms fixed at the root-cause, and tools gained to maintain health + wellness through food + lifestyle.

latest post on the blog!

Follow Melanie on Instagram @melharrisnutrition