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I’m Mel, a registered dietitian and certified health coach from a small town in South Georgia.


My mission is to inspire better, everyday health through nutrition, food, movement and mindfulness.

Surviving Social Snacking

Check out my tips to mindful eating and healthy snacking at parties and events! Feel in control and confident in your food choices while snacking.

We’ve all been there…

The bridal shower, baby shower, church event, work party, birthday party, friend and family gatherings. The buffet smorgasbord of appetizers lined up waiting to greet us as we walk in the door.

Then we feel ALL. THE. EMOTIONS. Excitement, overwhelm, fearful, judgement. Maybe you think, “What can I put in my mouth first?” Maybe you are trying to hold yourself to some “food rules” that prohibit you from partaking in the food festivities. None of which end up going well.

Want to survive the S.S.S.S (Super Bowl Social Snacking Situation)? Take the time to be present, enjoy the game, the company, and the food.

Check out my quick go-to tips for healthy snacking

  • Eat mindfully– Acknowledge the many sensations and thoughts you experience as you eat. Taking the time to be present while snacking can result in a multitude of health benefits. Practicing mindfulness with food can promote wisdom, balance, choice and acceptance.
  • Use A Plate- Instead of grazing and revisiting the appetizer table over and over simply fix a plate. This rule is quite simple, but by fixing a plate you are mindfully aware of what you are eating. You can enjoy your choices and put a stop to endless grazing and overindulgence.
  • Think about your food sensitivities– You may not be 100% aware of your food sensitivities, but you may know that when you eat “x” then “x” happens. For example, when I go for the ice cream…… well it’s not pretty. Then I end up being miserable for the rest of the evening. Know your limits and listen to your body. Stop and think, “Will this food serve me?”
  • Feel Your Fullness– Be aware of your Last Bite Threshold, you know that tiny voice in your tummy that says, “I’m FULL!” Listen to it. Your body knows when to stop eating, but often we silence that voice or don’t pay attention. Eating to the point of being comfortable without being overfull can allow you to walk away knowing you enjoyed the  eating experience instead of feeling emotional regret or physical pain.
  • Practice food safety- Don’t let foodborne illness spoil your fun. If you are eating off an appetizer table make sure hot foods are kept hot and cold foods are kept cold. Perishable foods should not be left out longer than two hours. Once they hit the two hour mark discard them and replenish them with fresh servings. Lastly wash your hands and use utensils to dip food.
  • Enjoy- This is the most important rule! Food just seems to taste better when you enjoy it. I once read somewhere that God gave us food because he loves us and wants us to be happy. By following the tips above hopefully you can enjoy your S.S.S.S.

Did you survive?

I want to hear from you. Let me know how you handle healthy snacking and challenging social snacking situations. What are your favorite tips/tricks? What do you struggle with most in social food settings? Leave a comment below and share a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #melharrisnutrition.

Our favorite free resources!

Easy Energy for Busy Moms Guide
Busy Mom 7 Day Meal Plan
Organize Your Kitchen for Good
Fall Meal Plan Freebie


Follow Melanie on Instagram @melharrisnutrition