Part 2 (of 3)
You know what I see happen most often?
People not moving forward in their health because they are stuck in the past…stuck in old diets that didn’t work, exercise routines that never happened, and all or nothing “get healthy” attempts that failed.
To truly move forward, you must let go of the things that have (and currently still are) dragging you down. In letting go you will get clearer sight of your goals and you’ll feel lighter and freer to work toward your health goals with purpose.
Today I want you to move forward with Part 2 of Your Health: A Year in Review, Letting Go. (If you missed part one, you can access it here.)
Letting Go…
The task is easy – you’re going to make yourself three separate lists; each one is going to take you 3-5 minutes to work on (do you have 15 minutes right now? Perfect – let’s do this!).
(List 1) Old Health Goals
- Are there any health goals you keep intending to do, but haven’t made time for?
- Do you have any “I should do this” health goals you perpetually keep putting off?
- Are there expectations from others (your family, loved ones, etc.) that has led you to set any unrealistic or vague goals?
Old health goals (which may also fall into a “past goal failures” category) are like the proverbial pants hanging in your closet for the past 5/10/20 years that you are “saving” because “one day you’ll fit back into them…” And let’s be real, those pants are now out of style, taking up space and a wasting a hanger in your closet. This first list is your opportunity to clean out your closet to make room to rock your NEW JEANS in 2020 – without those old, out of style jeans that keep staring you in the face, reminding you of the past and making you feel like you’re not good enough today.
(List 2) Resentments + Disappointments
- Are there any resentments or disappointments in your health journey that you are hanging on to?
2. Is there anybody you need to forgive — including yourself?
Be honest and write it down, even if you have no idea what “forgiveness” really means right now in this moment, or how you’re going to work through this. If you’re willing to work through this process, you’ll figure out a way. The first important step of acknowledging these feelings is step one toward healing.
(List 3) Limiting Beliefs
- What limiting beliefs have you been carrying around?
- What things do you tell yourself that no longer serve you?
Maybe you’ve been telling yourself, and feeling as if, “I’m not capable of losing weight.” Maybe you feel like you are doing all you can do right now, but “being healthy” just isn’t achievable – nothing can help you change or be different. Maybe you say, “I was just born this way and nothing will change.” Or maybe you have just accepted that feeling bad is “normal” and this is just it for you.
But maybe…just maybe…
You are actually ready to LET GO of these things you tell yourself. Maybe you could actually stop telling yourself these excuses and stop holding yourself back from meeting the health goals you want to achieve. Maybe it’s time to put the lies away (“I’m not good enough…I’m not capable…it’s impossible…etc.”) and pack them all up (like those jeans) for good. Let them go.
Reminder: You are worth it. You do not have to light yourself on fire to keep everyone else warm. You are capable and powerful right now, today, just as you are.
This is your chance to let go of all those limiting beliefs making you feel stuck. Stop, I beg you! If you haven’t yet, grab that pen and give yourself 10-15 minutes to do this exercise RIGHT NOW, so these thoughts don’t continue to control you in 2020.
The last step of letting go is to prioritize what is most important for you to let go of.
If you don’t get clear on this and have a plan (write your intention), you will continue to stay stuck. You will feel overwhelmed by the thought of letting go and you won’t move forward. Prioritizing what you will let go of first breaks this process down into single, doable action steps.
After you’re done with your three lists, you need to take a few more minutes to review the lists.
Answer these questions:
- What are the most important things to let go of? Circle each of them.
- Why is it imperative that you let these things go? Jot a few words to remind you about the “why.”
- What have these goals, resentments, or limiting beliefs cost you in terms of your health? Write this down.
- As a result of holding onto these, what dreams and desires have you missed out on in the past? Write anything that comes to mind down.
Awesome job!
You’ve completed Part 2 of the Year In Review. Stay tuned for Part 3, which will help you get your mind right to finish this process and start creating your 2020 plan. Pro tip: Bookmark this page so you can get quick access the second it drops next week.
In the meantime, I’d love to know what you learned about yourself in doing Parts 1 + 2 of the Year In Review!
Share your biggest insight in the comments below. It’d be really great if you can share some details (the good, the bad, the ugly) because your story might be JUST what someone else needs to hear to know they aren’t alone (and you aren’t either). Each of us is a reminder to one another that it’s never too late to shift your life and turn your health around.
P.S. If you want to share your progress with me — tag @melharrisnutrition on social.
You’ve got this!