I’m Mel, a registered dietitian and certified health coach from a small town in South Georgia.


My mission is to inspire better, everyday health through nutrition, food, movement and mindfulness.

Grain-Free Strawberry Chia Muffins

Grain-Free Strawberry Chia Muffins

As the new year ensues I always think: routine. Most of us spend Thanksgiving through Christmas trying to break routine, to stop and enjoy the moment. Then January 1 hits and it’s all the R’s (resolutions, routine, responsibilities). Having a morning routine is usually one of the first things I chat about with my clients. Whether that means waking up a few moments earlier or prepping breakfast so it’s ready to go can help set a positive tone for the day

These easy Grain-Free Strawberry Chia Muffins are are on repeat at my house right now for breakfast. I’ll be honest (coming from a girl with a gluten sensitivity) baking with alternatives to traditional flour, like almond and coconut flour, have always been a challenge for me. I struggle with the texture. Usually my grain-free baking goods leave me wanting more. BUT not these muffins!

They are moist and taste great warmed back up for a quick morning breakfast or grab-and-go snack. Nutritionally speaking, they are power packed with protein and keep me satisfied all morning long.

Grain-Free Strawberry Chia Muffins 2

I could chat all day about the health benefits of incorporating alternative flours and chia seeds into your diet. But the star of these muffins is the strawberry. You don’t have to beg me (or my kids) to eat strawberries. Fortunately, we have a family member who grows them right by our house. So twice a year we have access to farm fresh strawberries.

Confession- we may sneak through the woods to “Uncle Craig’s” to snag a few fresh strawberries while he isn’t looking (probably more often than he realizes- sorry Uncle Craig!). Plus I think my kids look super cute with strawberry juice dripping down their face.

Nutrition Breakdown

Strawberries not only taste delicious, but they also have many promising health benefits. Basically, strawberries may help decrease oxidative stress (think aging and disease) and prevent inflammation. Nutrients in these tiny powerhouse berries have been linked to reduction in heart disease and offer protection from various types of cancer (sign me up!). Add in the benefit of being a great source of folate (think brain health), dietary fiber (think healthy bathroom habits) and vitamin C (hello immune booster)-  they are simply irresistible.

These muffins are nutritionally sound, packed with protein, and low in sugar. Unlike store bought muffins- reaching for two during breakfast time can be part of a nourishing balanced diet. You can whip them up fairly quickly. And if you add them into your meal prep, they’ll make your mornings run smoother. I’ll trade 35 mins in the kitchen to have breakfast and snacks for an entire week versus 30 mins every morning scrambling to fix something healthy for everyone in my household while getting ready. Chaos anyone?

Did you make them?

Please let me know how you like these Grain Free Strawberry Chia Muffins in the comments! They are a slightly different texture from traditional muffins, but I really love them. Plus, both of my toddlers scarf them down! Leave a comment below and share a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #melharrisnutrition.


Grain-Free Strawberry Chia Muffins

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 25 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Yield: 18 muffins 1x
  • Category: Breakfast, Snack
  • Cuisine: American


  • 1 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 tsp fine ground sea salt
  • tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup (plus 2 tablespoons )
  • 1 cup cashew milk (or milk of choice)
  • lemon juiced
  • 6 eggs (large)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil (melted)
  • 4 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1 cup strawberries (chopped)


  1. Preheat oven to 350℉ and grease muffin tins with coconut oil or insert liners. 
  2. Sift together coconut flour, salt and baking soda in a bowl.
  3. In a blender, blend together maple syrup, milk, lemon juice, eggs, coconut oil and vanilla until mixed well. 
  4. Using a whisk, gently mix the wet and dry ingredients together.
  5. Fold in chia seeds and strawberries and pour batter into muffin tins, filling ¾ full. 
  6. Bake for 25 minutes or until muffins turn golden brown and toothpick inserted comes out clean.
  7. Immediately remove from tins and cool on rack.


The last step is important, if left in the pan for too long the heat and condensation will cause them to get soggy.

Texture: These muffins do have a moist eggy texture, may very slightly from a traditional muffin.

Storage Suggestions:  Bake muffins and store in fridge in airtight container for an easy grab-and-go make ahead breakfast all week you and your family can enjoy. I wouldn’t recommend freezing these muffins, as eggs do not freeze well.


Promising Health Benefits of the Strawberry: A Focus on Clinical Studies.Sadia Afrin, Massimiliano Gasparrini, Tamara Y. Forbes-Hernandez, Patricia Reboredo-Rodriguez, Bruno Mezzetti, Alfonso Varela-López, Francesca Giampieri, and Maurizio Battino. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016 64 (22), 4435-4449. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b00857

Our favorite free resources!

Easy Energy for Busy Moms Guide
Busy Mom 7 Day Meal Plan
Organize Your Kitchen for Good
Fall Meal Plan Freebie


Follow Melanie on Instagram @melharrisnutrition