How to push past the stress by using intention.
Ever feel like life is happening TO you?
You know the feeling…it feels like you are NOT in control of your own life (insert: kids, husband, job, others’ demands).
I’ve been there. (Let’s be honest, I still find myself there at times!)
When we live this way, we stay in a posture of reacting and responding. We are allowing our external circumstances to shape our daily routines and habits, instead of the other way around.
We willingly allow busyness and lack of INTENTION, which keeps us feeling like we’re on that proverbial hamster wheel (always running, never going anywhere).
Being I-N-T-E-N-T-I-O-N-A-L in how you approach your day, health and self-care, allows you to feel more grounded and in control to beat stress.
When you feel grounded, you’re less likely to use unhealthy coping mechanisms when those feelings of stress or anxiety creep into your day (hello second glass of wine, eating binges, over-exercising, etc.).
Here are some key ways to harness the power of intention in your life to beat stress.
1. Speak What You Desire.
If you want something to show up in your life, then you have to say you want it. So, make it known what your desires are for your life.
- What kind of mom do you want to be?
- What type of professional environment do you want to work in?
- How do you want to feel when you wake up in the morning?
- What level of confidence do you want to achieve?
- How much do you want to sleep?
- What kind of foods do you want to eat?
- How much do you want to exercise?
After you’ve considered your answers to these questions, make it known. Write it down, tell a friend, tell your husband, or simply put it out into the universe. Speaking what it is you want to be true is the first step to living a more intentional and healthy life.
2. Get Inspired!
What inspires you? When was the last time you learned something new or felt a spark of inspiration? Creating the space you need to be more receptive and inspired is vital to beat stress. Self-care rituals such as taking a bath, meditation, journaling, dinner out with friends, planned rest can all give you the vital push you need to make a change in your life. Maybe you decide to take that art class you’ve been interested in, listen to your favorite music, call an old friend (the one who always makes you feel better when you hang up). You deserve to enjoy life! When we are inspired, we often are motivated. In turn, when we are motivated we actively seek to change ourselves for the better.
3. Prioritize Your Health.
“If you are well-slept, well-fed, and well-exercised, so to speak, you should be able to be so focused, make the best choices, be resourceful and feel like you have the bandwidth to be resilient.” Sky Hain
Being 100 percent on top of your game at all times just isn’t realistic. Where the secret sauce lies is checking in where you are off balance when you are struggling.
Try asking yourself these questions:
- How am I sleeping?
- How am I eating?
- How am I moving?
- How am I emotionally?
- How connected do I feel to people?
Pick the area(s) you are struggling in the most and funnel your energy in that direction.
4. Track Progress
If I could do away with one “millennial” characteristic, it would be instant gratification. I often see people get so caught up in the end result, they get distracted from the journey they are on. Then, they begin to drown in comparison and the feelings of “Why I am not there yet?” This robs them of the present moment and makes it harder for them to celebrate their wins (big + small) along the way.
For example, someone may say to me, “I want to lose 50 lbs”. When they lose 25 lbs, they aren’t excited about the incredible journey they’ve been on and the amazing progress they’ve made with the weight they have lost. Instead, they feel defeated that they aren’t at their goal and they quit.
We have to use progress as motivation, and remember that baby steps in the right direction are better than no steps at all (or steps backwards).
It’s important to be gentle with yourself; allow for grace and time to change. Taking care of yourself in small ways, showing up for yourself daily, making yourself part of your priorities, will eventually add up to living the healthy life you desire.
Want a little help figuring out which area(s) of your life need the most attention first so you can be intentional about how you address your stress? Take my Stress Solver Quiz here.
Want more help?
Check out my IG Stress and Anxiety stories highlight from this past week where I walk you through a “pie chart” analysis to help you discover where you are spending your time, and where you WANT to be spending your time, and how it can help you beat stress. This quick exercise helps in letting you identify where you can work to achieve more balance in your daily life.
Remember, there is power in putting intention behind your thoughts and actions to help move you forward, letting you live a life of less stress and more contentment.