I’m Mel, a registered dietitian and certified health coach from a small town in South Georgia.


My mission is to inspire better, everyday health through nutrition, food, movement and mindfulness.

Setting 2020 Health Goals : Part 3

Follow along for my series on setting goals the smart way. Assess your future health and wellness as step 3 in setting your goals for 2020.

(Part 3 of 3)

Now that you’ve laid the groundwork with Parts 1 + 2, it’s time to figure out what’s next. (Still need to run through them? You still can: part 1, part 2.)

For this LAST step, I suggest carving out a good 30 minutes for yourself, grab a pen and paper and get ready to get really clear on your health goals for the future.
Thinking about the next year, what do you want to…create, experience, or achieve in terms of these areas:

Your Future

  1. Health and well-being
  2. Nutrition
  3. Sleep
  4. Relationships
  5. Stress management
  6. Movement
  7. Energy

Now, think about how you want to feel on a more consistent basis. For example, maybe you want to experience more energy and less overwhelm — if so, why (what do you want to achieve)?

The point with this is to be intentional. Be specific. Envision the best version of yourself and really dream of what that looks like. Don’t let any of those previous limiting beliefs keep you from shooting for the stars.

My Top 3 Goals for 2020

Now look at your list and answer these questions…

  1. What are the three most important health goals I want to focus on in the next 12 months? (Circle them now.)
  2. Why are each of these goals important?
  3. What action steps can you plan to take to bring these goals to life?

The Future

Now that you’ve got your top three goals, I want to tie in a little bit of your imagination and heart. Imagine yourself a year from now, and write a letter to that future you. Try starting it something like this…

Dear me, I want you to know… (Let go of judgement and grammar and just write to yourself.)

If you get stuck writing, try using these prompts:

  • I’d love you to start… 
  • I’d love you to remember… 
  • I’d love you to focus on… 

Save it and plan to open it a year from now.

Great job!

If you’ve completed all three parts of this, you now have the most important piece to your health journey: A map. It’s your guide for the next year to help you with your priorities and everything you want to focus on. This will take your health goals from well-intended thoughts to reality.

A plan is the key to consistency.

If you feel like your map isn’t clear enough, or you feel like you can’t let go of your past (or pack up those pants from your closet), then I want you know that you’re not alone. You can move forward with success!

Let’s have a quick chat to see how I can help you with accountability or help you with your plan. Find a time that works for you, click here, and we can catch up soon.

Our favorite free resources!

Easy Energy for Busy Moms Guide
Busy Mom 7 Day Meal Plan
Organize Your Kitchen for Good
Fall Meal Plan Freebie


Follow Melanie on Instagram @melharrisnutrition